Monday, June 6, 2011     17:19
Green TravellingA Platform to analyse and foster the use of green travelling options.

Development of a set of tools for the assessment of inter-modal travelling options, fostering green transport means.


Development of a multi-modal routing algorithm that includes electric vehicles (EVs) as an alternative means of transport.

Deployment of a decision support tool that allows infrastructure managers and public administrations to evaluate different parametrisable scenarios (e.g. with several EV usage quotes, EV features, incentive policies, etc.) according to several kind of costs, as well as social and environmental impact.


The result of this project will derive in two products:

  • The Green Travelling Application that will allow users to choose optimal routing alternatives taking into account their environmental impact. This application will be embedded into different interfaces such as smart phones, tablets and car consoles.
  • The Green Travelling Platform that will be able to simulate and asses the effect of different scenarios to test several features (incentive systems, EV properties, etc.).

The project usability will be tested in three use cases featuring Basque Country, Poland and Turkey realities.

Green Travelling.
Flagship Call 2013. FUTURE TRAVELLING.